Happy Sunday y'all!
I don't know about you, but I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow! A week of for Thanksgiving is wonderful, but it is dangerous at the same time...I get waaaaay to comfy staying up late and sleeping in!
Anyway, onto
Farley's link up for Currently this month!
Listening- It's Sunday, so football is always on! It's mostly just background noise for me, though. My husband left the room for a second and asked me a question about the game and I had no idea! I do know that the Texans just scored, so that makes my Houston family happy!
Loving- A friend and I went to a local art bazaar yesterday and I fell in love with an artist's work there! It's actually 2 sisters who specialize in typography and screen printing and they had the most adorable scarves!! I bought a turquoise one and I think I might just have to get some more! They have an Etsy shop if you want to check them out! They are based in Austin and they are called
Little Minnows.
Thinking- Like I said before, we had the whole week of for Thanksgiving and it has been amazing! I am NOT READY to wake up to an alarm tomorrow!
Wanting- So, I have these math tests that need grading and I just have no desire to even open my bag! Do you ever give your papers a ride back and forth to and from school without grading them?? I am guilty of that more often than I'd like to admit! Anyone want to grade these for me, please?
Needing- First Grade always does a Christmas/Holiday musical at our school. I've been involved for the past 7 years and it's always a great show! It does take a lot of work to get it all done though, so this week will be busy! We always give up our planning period to practice with all the classes together so I'll need to be on the ball and get my copies made before school!
Favorite Tradition- Wassail!! We make this warm and cozy drink every year and I absolutely love it!! It's a big mix of deliciousness in the form of apple cider, orange and pineapple juice with cinnamon sticks and cloves- my mouth is watering just thinking about it! Maybe I should get the ingredients at the store now and make some a little early this year! Here's the recipe if you are interested-
Anyway, it should be a great week- only 3 more until Christmas break!
Don't forget to check out the linky over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade!