I'm just checking in real quick to share a fun activity we did this week. I was really excited to do something FUN with MY CLASS for a change, since I've been pulling third grade tutoring groups every morning for the past 2 weeks! I'm a little bit bitter about it (as you can tell by the all caps) so we'll just move right along!! :)
Every day in calendar, we go through patterns on the 120 chart. My firsties are getting really good at finding one less, one more and ten less, ten more and even 100 less, 100 more! We did some more concentrated practice this week and they did really well with that as well.
I made some 120 charts with numbers missing for them to fill out first. Then we went through and found a few patterns along the way. One day, we counted by 10s starting at 3 and colored that column yellow. We also looked for even and odd numbers as well. For our ten more, ten less practice we drew a box around a number, let's say 45. Then we took another color crayon and drew a box around the numbers around it to show one less, one more, ten less and ten more. All the kids said, "It looks like a plus sign!!" so that's what we started calling it.
I forgot to take a picture of any of my kids' papers, so here's a little recreation for all of you visual learners out there!
We did several of those on each of our 120 charts each day. I also made some empty "plus signs" for them to fill out that looked like this-
And because I had a great workout this morning and am feeling happy that it's the weekend, I'll post all the sheets I made as a freebie in my TPT store! Click HERE to grab them!
After we got pretty good at filling our "plus signs" in, I used this activity with my class. On Wednesday, we just glued the flaps down in our math journals and wrote the numbers there. On Thursday, however, I decided to make it a bit more fun and we turned them into flowers!! I think they turned out so cute and they look awesome trailing down our hallway!
Aren't they too cute??
I plan on keeping these up for awhile, they add some bright color to our hallway!!
Happy Spring and Happy Easter to you all!