Thursday, September 7, 2017

#TBT Week 8- Super fun math review game!

Happy September- yikes!  Things are moving and grooving at school- how about you?

I'm popping in today to share my last Throwback Thursday post and I hope you enjoy it!  Click the image below to read about a fun review game that my students actually LOVE to play!  Plus you can do it with any content!!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

#TBT Week 7- Comparing Numbers for Math and Science fun, plus a freebie!

Hey there friends!

I'm back to share another Throwback Thursday post with you!  This was one of my favorite activities that I did with my firsties!!  We were working on comparing numbers and I wanted a way to tie it in with real life.  Be sure to click the image below to read about the fun activity we did in class!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

#TBT Week 6- Number Sense Activities and Freebies

Popping in today to share my next Throwback Thursday post!  Hope you are enjoying being back in the classroom or enjoying your last few days of freedom!!

My post for today explains a really fun Number Sense activity we did that makes a super cute hallway display- perfect for Open House or Back to School Night!!  Check it out by clicking on the image below!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

#TBT Week 5- Daily Calendar plus 3 freebies!

Hey there,

Slowly adjusting to waking up at 5:45 am again and I'm not liking it!!  :)  Hope your transition back to school is going smoothly!

Today's Throwback Thursday post is one I wrote earlier this summer about how I do Calendar in my classroom.  It is a long one, so get ready to be overloaded with Calendar fun!!  Plus I included three freebies to help you get your Calendar going as well!  Hope you enjoy and will leave me a comment or two about how you use your Calendar time.  Just click on the image below to read the post!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

#TBT Week 4- Reading Fluency Activities (plus freebies!)

Hey Friends!!

Hope you are adjusting to back to school season!!  Hope you are getting lots of time in your room and not stuck in meetings that could have been an email!!

Today's Throwback Thursday post is one I wrote about Reading Fluency.  This is such an important part of literacy development and it is vital in the primary grades in order to be successful later in life!  Click on the image below to read it and let me know how you help your students build their fluency!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

#TBT Week 3- Guided Math in Detail

Waaahhhh, I can't believe it's August already!!  Time flies!!

When do you start school?  I've still got one more week of freedom before our teacher prep days.

Today I'm sharing a post I wrote about Guided Math.  I truly truly love using Guided Math and it completely changed my outlook on teaching math in general!!  Hope you enjoy it!  Just click the image below to read it!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

#TBT Week 2- Four Math Freebies!

Hey Friends!

For today's Throwback Thursday post, I am sharing a post I wrote that contains 4 math freebies!

I hope you enjoy today's post, just click on the image below to check it out!

I'll be sharing posts for the next 7 weeks, so be sure to come back for more #tbt fun!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

#TBT Week 1- Daily 5 in My Classroom

In honor of Throwback Thursday, I am going to revisit some of my favorite blog posts from the past!  I will be sharing a post every Thursday for the next 8 weeks! 

I hope you enjoy this week's post, check it out by clicking the image below!  It's actually a 3 part post, so be sure to click all the way through!!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

My favorite part of the day...and three awesome FREEBIES!

Hey there!

I'm writing today about one of my favorite parts of my daily schedule- Calendar!!  It is so much more than just days of the week and months of the year; I am able to pack so much math into Calendar time, and it's a huge benefit for my students and their learning!

I'll start with a picture of my Calendar set up and then go into lots of detail about it all!

My set up doesn't look like this every year (depends on what my classroom space looks like), but I do always include a monthly calendar board, a 120 chart, and my two Calendar math posters.  I made them several years back when I had a student teacher.  During her 'Total Teach' time, I had to spend time out of the classroom so she could be in charge.  I did a lot of work for the school and my team, and also got to make my awesome posters!!  I also have a digital version of these posters in my store.  Check it out here!

I am about to overwhelm you with Calendar Math Madness!  Please know that the routine does not look like this on Day 1 in August, and there are plenty of days where things happen and we have to squish down our calendar time.  It takes time to build up to the full routine and I have seen the benefits of doing every day, barring those crazy times where Picture Day and Career Week and Field Trip all collide!!  I know you have those days, too!  I also like to build up to the point where the students take over all or part of the routine, but #realtalk there are plenty of days where I do all the writing, but they are still doing all the thinking!!

I always start my monthly calendar board with the numbers flipped backwards.  When it's time to start our routine, I point to the previously turned over card and say, "I can see that yesterday was Monday, August, 22nd, 2016.  Who can help me with today?"  I call on a student and they say the whole date correctly: Day, Month, Date, Year.  We talk about all these pieces and the importance of each one.  After we really know the routine, I start using popsicle sticks to call on kids so that everyone has to participate!  If they get stuck, I point to the days of the week at the top of the calendar to guide them, thinking out loud, "Well, if yesterday was Monday, then today must be..."  I might give them clues on the actual calendar board, so that they can see the patterns developing.  It is so important to show them that even as the month goes on, they can trace their finger up to the top of the calendar to see the day of the week.  Then we write the correct date and read it together.

At the beginning of the year, we sing the Days of the Week song every day.  (My favorite is the Adams Family version with the snapping!)  They get pretty good at that.  Then I call on someone to help fill in the "Today is...  Yesterday was...  Tomorrow will be..." spots.  We know what today is because we just found it when we recorded the date.  So I say, "Ok, Roman just told us that today is Monday, can anyone help me with the rest?"  Then I might point to the day if they needed help, but I usually have someone ready to answer that one!  I like to talk about how yesterday is the past, so you have to move back one day on the calendar to find it.  Tomorrow is the future and you have to move forward one day on the calendar to find it.  Then we record it on the chart and say the chant altogether- "Yesterday was Sunday, today is Monday, tomorrow will be Tuesday!"

Next, we check the weather, just by either looking out the window or having them remember what it was like when they got off the bus or out of their car in the morning.  We have a quick discussion about it, and I draw a symbol and write a couple of weather words.  We get into more details when we start the study weather in Science, but for this it's pretty basic.

Next up is always the place value chart for Number of the Day.  We keep track of how many days we've been in school through place value, so I made a spot on my posters with a column for Hundreds, Tens, and Ones.  I have plastic base ten blocks with blue sticky tack on the back.  Each day we add a block to the ones column.  I make a big deal out of it when it gets close to 10.  I over-exaggerate that 10 ones don't fit in the ones column and gesture like my hand can't stick it on there and say, "What am I supposed to do?  What happens now?" and they get excited and yell, It makes a stick of ten!!"  I peel the ones blocks off one by one and we count to ten.  Then we add the tens rod to the tens column and record the number underneath the chart.  We do this every day, because place value is such an important part of number sense.  This is also where I tie in even and odd.  I remind them that the always need to start by looking at the ones column.  If they can make partners with the cubes, then it is even.  If there is one left over, it is odd.  We have an even and off chant that we say as well.  "0, 2, 4, 6, 8, Even numbers are really great!  1, 3, 5, 7, 9, Odd numbers are really fine!"  (There's a version of this from Ron Brown, his Math Song CDs are AWESOME!)  Every time I call on someone to tell me whether it is even or odd, I always ask them how they know.  They might say things like, "Well, I know that 8 is even so 28 has to be even." or "Yesterday was odd, so today is even."  They might say it was even because they saw partners or odd because there was one cube left over.  These are all things we talk about each day so that they understand even and odd.

 Once we get the Number of the Day, we add it to the Standard Form spot and the Word Form spot.  As I am writing, I say things like, "Who can help me spell six?" or "Thirty eight?  Let's spell eight together." to keep them involved as I am doing it.

Next we add a tally to the tally chart.  We always talk about what to do when we have 4 tallies (cross it!!) and then we count by 5s up to the number of the day.  Sometimes I might circle two sets of tallies together and show them that it is ten so that we can skip count by tens.

Next up is using the 120 chart to count.  I circle the Number of the Day (how many days we've been in school) and I ask them to find the number that is One More and One Less, and then Ten More and Ten Less.  This takes practice for them to understand.  We circle or box in the numbers and it ends up looking like a plus sign with those five numbers in in.  The whole time I am training them to move horizontally when it is ones and vertically when it is tens.  I have signs above and next to my door with those words on them and we talk about what they mean and use hand signals.  We say "Horizontal!" and move our hands side to side, and say "Vertical!" and move our hands up and down.  After awhile I start showing them that when they are doing One More or One Less, the only number that changes is in the ones column (55 changes to 54 and 56, but the tens always stays as 5 tens).  I also show them that when they are doing Ten More or Ten Less, the only number that changes is in the tens column.  We trace up and down the chart to see that 77 changes to 67 and 87, but the 7 doesn't change.  We circle the numbers and sometimes underline the ones column in red so they can really see how it doesn't change!
I apologize for the graininess of this screenshot, but I wanted to show the "plus sign" of the 5 numbers for One More, One Less, Ten More, Ten Less.
I also included coins, a clock, and a piggy bank on my posters, but we don't hit those every day  For money, we review the values of each coin and/or talk about the images on the front and back. We sing the money chant as well, "A penny is one cent, a nickel is five.   A dime is ten cents, a quarter 25!"  For the shapes, I point out a couple shapes and go over different things each time.  I might show them that you can find 2D shapes on the faces of 3D shapes.  We might talk about some real life items that match our 3D shapes.  I might ask them to come up and count sides and vertices of the 2D shapes.  For the clock, we usually would pick a time from our schedule (recess, lunch, Specials) and write that in the digital box and then talk about how it would look on the analog clock.

For the piggy bank, I have coins with sticky tack on them so that we could do a variety of things with the coins.  We might show the number of the day in coins, or show two different ways to make a dollar.

Overall, I just judge how much time we have that day and fit in what I need to.  We also have lots of songs and chants, and I'm sure you have your favorites too!

To do more with counting and number sense, I have a large 120 chart and I have a helper come up so we can practice skip counting.  I have popsicle sticks with three different pictures on them to demonstrate the different ways to skip count.  For 2s, there is a frog because we hop over the next number when we skip count by 2s.  For 5s, there is a zig zag because we zig zag across the chart when we count by 5s.  We even sway back and forth while we are counting to exaggerate the zig zag.  For 10s, there is a person because you walk up and down the chart when you count by 10s.

It takes time to build up the whole routine and it's all about building number sense with repetition and having those great daily math conversations!!

I hope this post has been helpful and I would love to hear from you in the comments!!  Do you love calendar too??  To thank you for sticking with me through this lengthy post, I have some calendar freebies I'd love to share with you!  Just click on the pictures below to download the freebies from my TPT store.

Have a great day and thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Dusting off the old blog...with FOUR math freebies!!!

Hey Friends!!

Well, we will just pretend that it hasn't been over a year since I've blogged...oops!  :)  Having a kiddo around changes things!  For the better of course!!  I can't believe that kiddo is going to be TWO next month; that just blows my mind.  What a crazy and amazing two years it's been.  There really is no other better thing than to be a mama.  It's the hardest and best thing I've ever done and I know I'm barely getting started!

So this school year, I have a new position.  Still at my same school, with my same principal that I love, but now I am doing Intervention and Instructional Coaching for K-2.  It's really the perfect position for me.  All of my ten years have been in K-2 and I really love the learning that goes on in those years, and understand how vital they are for success later in school.  I pull a small group from Kinder, a small group from First Grade and a small group from Second Grade.  When I am not pulling groups, I am in classrooms working with kids, helping my teachers, leading PLCs, making center games for my teachers, oh and let's not forget about Lunch Duty.  How I love Lunch Duty!  :(  Getting to sit in the quiet teachers lounge during lunch is definitely a nice perk that our teachers get on a daily basis!!

Anyway, I wanted to share a few things I have made for my teachers this year.  I really hope that you are able to use these in your classrooms.  Please leave me a comment if you do!  I'll give you a little blurb about each one and then all you have to do is click the picture to download the freebie!!

First up is a Counting Back freebie for Kindergarten.  My teachers asked for a simple way for their kiddos to practice counting back from 20.

You can have your kiddos cut and paste (number squares are included) or you can laminate the blank pages and have them write in the numbers with a dry erase marker.
Either way is a simple way to practice this important math skill!

I also made the same type of activity for my First Grade teachers, only with higher numbers.  They cut the pages into strips, almost like task cards and put them in a center with dry erase markers.  There are two versions, Counting Back from 100 and Counting Back from 120.  Check them both out by clicking on the pictures below!
My last freebie contains twelve puzzles made from 100 and 120 charts.  My Kindergarten teachers are working on identifying numbers to 100, along with numbers that come before and after.  My First Grade and Second Grade teachers are always looking for math center games that help build number sense!  For this one, you just need to print them on different color card stock, laminate, and cut along the darker black lines.

Again, I really hope these freebies come in handy in your classroom!!  Let me know what other math skills you are working on in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out all of my math games and other resources in my TPT store!