Monday, November 10, 2014

Fun math game for test review!!

Hi Friends!

I can't believe it's already November!!  Time is flying by!

We are getting ready for our second District Assessment in Math and are using a fun review game this week.  We are still working on subtraction with borrowing in whole group (which really means I'm pulling my hair out as we try to understand it), but we did this review game for about 30 minutes today and the kids LOVED it!!  We're doing it again tomorrow and Wednesday and then our DA is on Thursday!!

I used review questions that our math coach gave us and gave a sheet to each pair of students.  Each pair worked through the first question and then brought it to me to check. 

 Once they had the correct answer, they got to write their name underneath one of the pumpkin sheets I had taped to the board.  Then they did the same for the two other story problems.  On the back of each pumpkin was a post-it note with a point value, but no one knew what each pumpkin was worth.  They got to pick any pumpkin each time, not knowing what points they might earn.  Once we checked all of the problems, I flipped the pumpkins over and they were so excited to see the points revealed!!  Next, we counted up the points that each team earned in each round.  Since we had three problems, each team earned three different point values, so we got to tie in a little multi-digit addition as well!

It was a lot of fun and they were TOTALLY engaged the entire time!!  Definitely going to adapt this game to review for all of our future DAs!!

What do you do to make test review fun?

How's November going for you??  Would love to hear from you!