Thursday, May 29, 2014

No Jiggle June!!

I can't believe it is almost June already!  We are in school until June 10th with the kids' last day on June 6th!  Trust me, the count down has truly begun!!

Through the inspiration of some awesome teacher/blogger friends, I joined Instagram over the weekend and am now OBSESSED!  I really love it!  It's bad because I now think in hashtags and am taking way too many pictures!  (But it's fun and I love it so I don't care!)  :)

Are you on Instagram?  Would love to find more friends to follow!  Leave me your name in the comments and I will follow you!

Anyway, did you notice the title of this post is No Jiggle June?  Well let me explain...

I am the maid of honor at my best friend's wedding on June 28!  So excited!!  I'm a healthy eating type of girl, never really drink cokes and I love my fruits and veggies!  I've always been pretty good about food, but it's the exercise that gets me!  I love to make all kinds of excuses (too tired, too busy, no time) and I need someone there motivating me or I'll never do it!  So that's where you come in!  I need your help to motivate me to keep moving this June!  (And July and August, too!)  It's been so inspiring to see all of the #3weeksnocheats posts and pictures from Rachelle and others at For Blogness Sake and it's amazing what a little peer pressure can do!  Let's keep this party going!!

Since I've developed this fun little obsession with Instagram, it's only fitting that I turn this into a hashtag so everyone can join in the fun!

So feel free to use #nojigglejune when you post on IG or FB!  I want to see you cooking your healthy meals!  I want to see you in your sweaty workout gear!  I want to see you excited about doing something active outside!  Thanks in advance for the motivation and inspiration!

I also made a photo-a-day calendar to make it even more fun!!

As you can see, some of the categories can be represented in different ways (water- for drinking, swimming, etc) and I can't wait to see what everyone posts!  Work It Wednesday could be an awesome work out or a pic of you working it in a new outfit or trying a new recipe!  And obviously, you don't have to post every day- just whenever you can!

My personal goals:
-work out 4-5 times a week
-continue eating healthy, continue using my NutriBullet
-find/use a yummy, non creamy, healthy salad dressing
-have fun!

Who's with me?


  1. I am planning on doing my Workin' It Wednesday link ups again. Make sure to stop by!

  2. Love this! Headed to IG right now to get started. :-)
    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

    1. Yay!! I'm so excited that so many people are joining in! More motivation for me!

      Katie :)

  3. Hi Katie! Great idea! I am totally in! #nojigglejune will be so much fun! I am new to Instagram too, and just a teensy weensy bit addicted. :)

    1. Hey Ashley! I'm SOOO addicted and I love it!! Glad to meet another addict and glad you're joining the #nojigglejune fun!

      Katie :)

  4. I'm in! Your idea came at the perfect time for me! This is a whole new lifestyle- but I can do it!
    Go Nutty with Me!

    1. Yay!! I'm so excited you are joining in the fun!

      Katie :)
      p.s. I love your blog- you crack me up!
