Monday, December 16, 2013

Unwrapping My Favorites: Day 1

I'm linking up with Daina and Tamara for this fun holiday week of posts!!
Today's topic is favorite holiday food!!

Here are a couple pictures from our holiday decorating over the years...the cute ones with the (grown-up) cousins as kids are on the wall at the farm, I wish I had those scanned into a computer!

Visiting my in-laws out of state now means that I don't get to be there every year for this family tradition, which is definitely sad!  It's truly a wonderful part of our family that we cherish every year!

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for my favorite holiday tradition and don't forget to link up as well!


  1. I LOVE Red Hots! :) So...I agree...cookies probably DO taste better covered in them! :) What a sweet tradition ya'll have! :) Thanks so much for linking up! :)

  2. Wow, covered in Red Hots?? That's totally a new spin on it! Of course, I'll eat anything that involves COOKIES!!! :)

    Thanks for taking the time the link up with us!
