Friday, November 29, 2013

NYC trip!

Hello Friends!

I hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving break!!  I sure am!  We just got back last night from New York City!!  It was such a great trip!!

Just popping in to share a few pictures from the trip-

Of course we did A LOT of great eating!!  :)
Pizza at Motorino

GIANT sandwich from Carnegie Deli (that's all from one sandwich in the picture!)
More pizza from was sooo good!

 We also got the opportunity to see a taping of the David Letterman show!  My husband surprised me because apparently he had to fill out all this info online and wait for them to call and ask him a trivia question before he could win tickets!  It was a lot of fun!  We didn't know who the guests were and one of them ended up being Josh Hutcherson also known as PEETA!  So fun!

We also did some great shopping in SOHO!  We love walking around in that neighborhood!  We joked that when we win the lottery, we'll get a condo there- ha!  (that would involve actually buying a lottery ticket though!) One of the shops I went into was the Scholastic store!  I didn't end up buying anything but they do have a pretty awesome teacher discount there!

Check out this view from our restaurant on Tuesday-
Well, I hope you are having a great Friday today and I hope you get all of the Black Friday deals you were hoping for!!

p.s. My little store is on sale if you are still in your pjs like me!!  Just click the image below to visit my store.  :)

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