Monday, October 21, 2013

My Truth Monday- a 12 Part Series

I am excited to link up with Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade for her 'My Truth Monday' series!  She is going to post a new topic each Monday and everyone is invited to share their thoughts each week.

Today's topic is My Truth About Fitness!

I did Girls on the Run last year with the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders at our school and it was an amazing experience!!  I teach first grade, so it was really great to get to know some of the older girls, some of which were my former students!  We had a great time with the weekly lessons and had a lot of fun out on the track together.  We did the 5K together in December and that was an amazing experience as well!!
That's me on the left along with my awesome first grade team!!

I told myself that I was going to run/jog the whole 5K for my personal fitness goal, but once I got going, I found it was much more important to run with the girls at their pace, especially a few who were struggling.  It was really fun to motivate each other and set little mini-goals throughout the race.  Our school had a 3rd grader who was the very last participant to cross the finish line and I was in tears running with her!!  We were all in tears!  Her dad ran the last part with her and was encouraging her and motivating her and then a big group of teachers and other girls crossed the finish line together with her.  Everyone was cheering and clapping and it was a really moving experience!!

Thanks for listening to my story, be sure to share yours as well!!  I am really excited about this series (and a little nervous about what topics Denise will pick!)  Can't wait to learn more about you and everyone out there in blog-land!

If you want to link up, just click the pink button at the top of this post to go to Denise's original post.  Even if you don't have a blog, I would love to hear your 'truth'!  Just add it as a comment below this post!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh what a cute blog! I've just found you through the linky and started following along!

    Good luck for the exercise class tomorrow- you're going to feel so good after having a break from it!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem
