Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Don't move the rug!!!

This will be short and sweet, but I just had to share this random story from today!!

Yesterday (Monday) was a student holiday.  Teachers got the joy of spending the day in various helpful trainings...yeah, no comment about that.  Anyway, since the school was fairly empty, our amazing, wonderful, superb, I really love him custodian did a deep clean of a lot of our rooms.  I didn't know he was going to, but he shampooed our carpet and it is bright, shiny and as good as new today!

I noticed that it looked extra clean when I walked in this morning and noticed that my chair and a few other things had been moved around, which was totally fine with me.  I didn't think anything of it, moved everything back and headed off to get the kids for breakfast.

We eat breakfast in the classroom every morning and I have morning work written on the easel for my students to do once they finish their breakfast.  As they were bringing their journals and pencils to the carpet, I noticed a lot of them looking very confused and not really sure what to do.  Were they confused by the clean carpet?  Was there a bug I didn't see?  I had no idea.  As this kept happening, it finally clicked!  Our wonderful custodian had inadvertently flip flopped the carpet when he brought it back from shampooing it.  The red side used to be farthest from the easel, with the purple side right in front of the easel, but now it was completely the opposite!  The kids just could not figure out where to sit, since their color square wasn't where they left it on Friday!  It cracked me up inside to see how set they were on looking for "their square" to sit in. 

It is pretty amazing all of the things I ask them to remember in terms of procedures for the classroom (in addition to all the learning we do as well!  :)  )  They have a spot on the carpet, a line order, a lunch table order, a center team and even a color group!  Whew!

Once we got past the confusing mystery of the flip flopped rug- we ended up having a great day!  Hopefully our morning work tomorrow won't be as confusing!!

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