Thursday, August 15, 2013

Teacher Week '13: Classroom Management

I'm really loving this week of linky parties!!  Have you seen all of the great posts so far?  Be sure to visit Blog Hoppin' to see everything from the 4 days so far!

Today's topic is Classroom Management.  I'm starting my 8th year of teaching and have seen my share of behaviors through the years!  I have used a variety of things from clip charts to behavior contracts to table points to Champs, just to name a few!

Whatever system you choose, the important thing is to be consistent.  If you say that you will call parents when a student gets down to red, then you need to follow through and call.  If you say that a student can earn lunch with you if they complete their contract, then you need to follow through and have lunch with them!  Follow through is key!  Your students need to know that you mean what you say and then they can begin to understand and respect the systems you have in place.

I've been using punch cards in my classroom for the past few years and they really do work!  Each student gets their own punch card and we keep them all together in an extra school box.  

When I notice great behavior or respect and responsibility from a student or two, I make a big deal and tell them to go grab that punch card!!  Each card has 20 spots for me to punch with my single hole puncher.  Once they fill up their card, they get to chose something from the reward binder.  

One of the greatest things about the reward binder is that the rewards cost me nothing!  I include things like 'Lunch with the Teacher', 'Read to the Principal', 'No Shoe Day' and 'Bring a stuffed animal to School'.  The kids are so motivated to earn punches on their cards!!!  I do it up really big during the first couple months of school.  After that, I use it less frequently, but still keep my hole puncher nearby!  Sometimes even just picking the hole puncher up gets a few eyebrow raises and looks of excitement!

After posting my Monster Reward Binder and Punch cards in my TPT store back in 2011, I have had many requests for other themes.  Click HERE to see all of my Positive Behavior Incentive products.

I have also been inspired by past Classroom Management posts from some awesome teacher bloggers out there.  Click the buttons to read these three great posts-

I'm also excited about new technology like ClassDojo and Remind 101.  There are some great resources out there to help with Classroom Management.  

Don't forget to link up with Blog Hoppin' and make sure to read all of the other great Classroom Management posts!  Just click on the image below!

Keep Teaching and Planning,
Katie :)


  1. My daughters teacher also uses punch cards. Although we have only been back at school a week, I do notice how pumped up she gets when her card gets punched. Great ideas - thanks for sharing!


    1. You are welcome- thank you for leaving me a comment!

      Katie :)
