Thursday, August 31, 2017

#TBT Week 7- Comparing Numbers for Math and Science fun, plus a freebie!

Hey there friends!

I'm back to share another Throwback Thursday post with you!  This was one of my favorite activities that I did with my firsties!!  We were working on comparing numbers and I wanted a way to tie it in with real life.  Be sure to click the image below to read about the fun activity we did in class!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

#TBT Week 6- Number Sense Activities and Freebies

Popping in today to share my next Throwback Thursday post!  Hope you are enjoying being back in the classroom or enjoying your last few days of freedom!!

My post for today explains a really fun Number Sense activity we did that makes a super cute hallway display- perfect for Open House or Back to School Night!!  Check it out by clicking on the image below!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

#TBT Week 5- Daily Calendar plus 3 freebies!

Hey there,

Slowly adjusting to waking up at 5:45 am again and I'm not liking it!!  :)  Hope your transition back to school is going smoothly!

Today's Throwback Thursday post is one I wrote earlier this summer about how I do Calendar in my classroom.  It is a long one, so get ready to be overloaded with Calendar fun!!  Plus I included three freebies to help you get your Calendar going as well!  Hope you enjoy and will leave me a comment or two about how you use your Calendar time.  Just click on the image below to read the post!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

#TBT Week 4- Reading Fluency Activities (plus freebies!)

Hey Friends!!

Hope you are adjusting to back to school season!!  Hope you are getting lots of time in your room and not stuck in meetings that could have been an email!!

Today's Throwback Thursday post is one I wrote about Reading Fluency.  This is such an important part of literacy development and it is vital in the primary grades in order to be successful later in life!  Click on the image below to read it and let me know how you help your students build their fluency!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

#TBT Week 3- Guided Math in Detail

Waaahhhh, I can't believe it's August already!!  Time flies!!

When do you start school?  I've still got one more week of freedom before our teacher prep days.

Today I'm sharing a post I wrote about Guided Math.  I truly truly love using Guided Math and it completely changed my outlook on teaching math in general!!  Hope you enjoy it!  Just click the image below to read it!