Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Not in Vegas, but...

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Man, the summer is just flying by!  I can't believe it is already July!

This summer is keeping me pretty busy and that's why I'm glad my bloggy friends have fun and easy linkies that I can join!

Yes, you *might* have noticed all the Vegas posts on social media this week.  It's the annual SDE conference there, along with the second annual TPT conference.  I went last year and had SO MUCH FUN!  This year I am missing out, but I have the best reason ever!  Which is why I'm joining School and the City's linky...

I'm loving spending this time with my husband and my little man!  My husband is a teacher as well, so we get to spend the summers together.  Murphy is almost 4 and a half months old (TIME, SLOW DOWN PLEASE!) and there's so much going on in his little world and I'm loving every minute of it!  He's rolling over and scooting across his playmat and he smiles at us non-stop!!  He's also learning to grab on to things, including my fingers, face and hair!  He coos and "talks" to us and even squeals loudly- a lot!  He loves to suck on his fingers, my fingers, his bib, his blanket- basically anything he can get near his mouth!  It cracks me up the way he attacks whatever he wants to get in his mouth, pulling it in tight and going to town on it!  I could go on and on about all the things I love about him, but I'll stop for now since I really should be in bed.  :)

I hope you are having a blast this summer, whatever you've got going on!  Enjoy every minute!!

Click on over to Kristin's blog to read about more summer fun!

School and the City